Academic Support
Allen, Bill
Vice President of Budget and Finance/CFO
Allen, Robert E.
Athletic Director/Baseball Coach
Anderson, Dana
IT Instructor
Areno, Sherry
Cosmetology Instructor
Balkcum, Sherri
HIT Instructor
Ball, Bethany S.
Director of Nursing
Ballard, Dorlis
Weekend Coordinator
Ballard, Iris M.
Ballinger, Mike
Associate Vice President of Facility Services
det365手机版官网 Fitness and Aquatics, Membership & General Info
Becmer, Lori
Financial Aid Counselor II
Belcher, Melissa
Member Services Coordinator, Fitness & Aquatics
Berien, Brittany
Custodian, Building G
Bland, Greg
VP Continuing Education Economic & Workforce Development
Blanton, Obbie
Director, BLET
Bogol, Nancy
Records and Enrollment Services Data Specialist
Boles, Amy
Adjunct Chemistry Instructor
Bowden, Linda B.
Custodian Supervisor
Bowers, Georgeanna
Job Coach